Professional, small boutique businesses are our specialty. Small business owners are extremely aware of the needs and actions of their clients and taking time to understand and incorporate an owner’s specific perspective is critical to site design.
Betsy Madden Echols operates a thriving psychotherapy practice in Portsmouth, RI. Her site acts as a referral, verification, and informational source for her clients.
The website for Rhode Island Counseling is a custom coded site using HTML and CSS. A bright, and cheery website, it provided a place to gain clients and provide clients with information, forms, and directions.
The original site designed just before the move to mobile, so was not responsive to the different screen sizes. I recently redesigned the CSS code to adapt to any screen size. I basically looked at the site as is and then selected breakpoints where the width broke the site content. Using those breakpoints I recoded the CSS for all divs and it was ready to go. That means the site is pretty much device independent and resizes based only on screen sizes.