About chappellstudio

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So far chappellstudio has created 57 blog entries.

Search Optimize SEO

Search result success and website speed go hand in hand. If your site is slow or invisible then we can improve its performance. Building SEO results takes steady forward progress but the extra customer engagement is worth the time.

2022-02-11T18:56:32-05:00Theme Posts|

Site Support

New platforms make it easier to setup a site yourself but sometimes there are problems or the learning curve is too slow. We can help get you up and running rapidly and then are on-call for any issues that may arise.

2022-02-14T14:52:06-05:00Theme Posts|

Photos and Graphics

Photography, Photoshop editing, graphics services are available to enhance your site. There are many online sources for great photos or I am able to provide professional portraits and product images with clean backgrounds.

2022-02-11T19:44:22-05:00Theme Posts|

Bringing in Steady Stream of New Clients

This is what we like to see! New clients, new business, a few extra visitors of the right type can impact a business. A year later this client has a nice stream of organic search results and is topping the list for the two main service components he offers. 2014 Orange2015 Blue So many important metrics, new visitors, bounce rate, conversion, all taken into account when measuring [...]

2021-04-17T01:13:52-04:00Local Search, SEO Search|


WordPress sites are open source so the software needs to be updated on a regular basis. I can assist with setting up your site for backups, security updates and access to new features. We can also fix technical issues, not found errors etc.

2022-02-11T18:46:35-05:00Theme Posts|
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