Simple Upgrades

If you have a site that  needs a refresh then we can do that! A better looking site, better engagement with visitors, and eliminating any pesky technical issues can be accomplished rapidly. Get rid of those not-found pages and update your colors.

2022-02-11T18:46:51-05:00Theme Posts|

Is your Site Responsive?

So Many Devices IPhone 6, Kindle Fire tablet, Android phone - sites need to look great on all devices. Are you curious about how your site measures up? Use this handy link to see how responsive your site is on multiple devices Test my Site. Responsive designed sites are fluidly designed, they will work on almost every device as they are designed to respond to window [...]

2021-04-17T01:18:20-04:00Website Design|

Easy, Online Graphic Design

We all know great design when we see it but creating great design takes talent and practice.  Adobe Illustrator is a powerful tool for creating graphics for your site but it also has a very steep learning curve.  Recently, I began using an online graphic design tool, CANVA.COM, to create simple graphics and my impression so far is that it is easy and fun.  Canva is [...]

2021-04-17T01:21:39-04:00Site Content, Website Design|
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