Easy, Online Graphic Design

We all know great design when we see it but creating great design takes talent and practice.  Adobe Illustrator is a powerful tool for creating graphics for your site but it also has a very steep learning curve.  Recently, I began using an online graphic design tool, CANVA.COM, to create simple graphics and my impression so far is that it is easy and fun.  Canva is [...]

2021-04-17T01:21:39-04:00Site Content, Website Design|

Beautifully crafted timelines that are easy, and intuitive to use.

Looking for a way to add a timeline to your site? Timeline JS provides a robust solution to presenting time-based information. It works best with a story arc, a narrative that leads the viewer through a connected plot. Adding small events that lead up to the main events help keep the flow of the story feeling natural and readable. Timeline JS - Beautifully crafted timelines that [...]

2014-03-15T19:20:52-04:00Website Design|

10 Crucial Elements for Any Website Design | Design Shack

White Space Modern design is becoming cleaner and simpler all the time.  Leaving empty space around elements is an important aspect of design for a clean, clear site.Navigation - The user always needs to have clear indications of how to travel around your site.  The main navigation should look the same on every page and be in the same location for easy access. About Us Google [...]

2021-04-17T01:54:27-04:00Website Design|
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