Posts are not like art but they do take time!

Writers Block - the curse of blogging! Sometimes sitting down to log into your WordPress Site to create a blog post can feel like an overwhelming task.  The pressure to create a masterpiece and then the realization that this one is a doodle at best feels unmotivating.  Storing great ideas for later can help overcome the problems of poor content ideas and writer's block. Shortcut to Creating [...]

2021-04-17T01:56:15-04:00Site Content, WordPress|

Welcome to Planning for Strong Communities!

Planning for Strong Communities is focusing their efforts on projects involving transit and transportation issues. As a particular area of interest, we also see a need for creative and environmentally sound solutions in this area. Planning for Strong Communities is a Tucson-based LLC providing consulting services to planning projects in municipal and regional agencies. Their site serves the purpose of marketing their services to prospective clients [...]

2021-04-17T01:59:34-04:00Website Projects, WordPress|
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